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Indoor Water Use 

Water is a precious finite resource. Try to do at least one thing each day, that conserves water. Before you know it, you and your family will develop good conservation habits. But don't stop there! Help your community and our State by passing along these helpful tips to family, friends, and co-workers too.

Fact: ~Using less water also reduces the load placed on our wastewater facilities~.

1. Keep your home leak free. Homes can have hidden leaks. To check your home for leaks, read your water meter before and after a 2 hour period, when no water is being used. Did the numbers change? If so, you have a leak. Checking your home periodically for leaks not only helps to conserve water, but with early detection, can help to prevent higher water bills, and costly damage to your home.

Note: If you're unsure as to where your meter is located, call the district office for assistance.

2. Don't keep the water running while brushing your teeth or shaving.

3. Install low flow shower heads. There are some models available that can be shut off at the shower head while soaping and shampooing, so water temperature would not be affected.

* The average shower head made prior to 1992, emits 5 gallons of water per minute. Those made after 1992, emit about 2.5 gallons per minute, with some using even less.

**Reducing your shower time by only 1 minute can add up to a hefty annual water savings:

5 gallons per minute x 10 minutes = 50 gallons per shower ** 9 minutes = up to 1825 gallons saved annually

2.5 gallons per minute x 10 minuets = 25 gallons per shower ** 9 minutes = up to 912.5 gallons annually

4. A leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons per day (per the EPA). To check a toilet for leaks, add food coloring to the tank water. If color appears in the bowl, the toilet is leaking.

5. Don't use the toilet as a waste basket.

* In 1992, Congress passed water conservation legislation that prohibits the construction of certain high flow plumbing fixtures. Since 1992, all residential-type toilets made in the US, use no more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush. If your home was built prior to 1992, chances are, your toilets are using 3.5 to 5 gallons per flush. Some older models use as much as 7 gallons per flush! ** Utah State Department of Water Resources**

6. Place a bucket under faucets while waiting for the water to warm up. Use this water for other areas such as plants, pets, cleaning, etc.

7. Wash only full loads in washers and dishwashers. This saves on both water and energy use.

* A dishwasher uses 13-25 gallons of water per load.

8. Keep a pitcher of drinking water in the fridge instead of running the water until it's cool.

9. Garbage disposals need quite a bit of water to work properly. Reduce the number of times you run the disposal, or better yet, consider a compost bin instead. Composting saves water, makes for happy gardens and reduces the load on the wastewater facilities.

10. Install aerators on every faucet in the House. This reduces the flow from about 2.5 gpm to 1.5 gpm., or 40% water savings!

11. Turn faucets off completely after use.